Tuesday 4 November 2014

Cleaning Mold Off Of Tile Grout - Tips Tuesday

Hi everyone, I sure have missed blogging on here, so I have decided to start adding weekly, home related blog posts.

I'm going to start with a weekly 'Tips Tuesday' or 'Tutorial Tuesday', beginning this week with 'cleaning the mold off of tile grout'.

We have a big mold problem in our bathroom! It's horrid! We don't have an extractor fan in there (this is something we will add when we replace our bathroom), so we have to have the window open constantly. Now that the weather is turning cold again, this is causing a problem and bringing the mold back with a vengence!

We had purchased a really expensive mold spray from B&Q which stank of bleach, so I thought, why not just try bleach? So I bought a 2ltr thin bleach from Sainsburys (which was about 40p) and a pack of cheap toothbrushes from Poundland:

I then went to work...



So, as you can see, it worked really well. If you're going to try this, make sure you have all the windows open =)

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